Implementing IOWorkGroup in DriverKit: Step-by-Step Tutorial

Welcome to this step-by-step tutorial on how to utilize the DriverKit IOWorkGroup in XCode. DriverKit IOWorkGroup is essential for developers who need to ensure synchronized access to shared resources within their driver extensions. Throughout this guide, you will be introduced to this powerful component of DriverKit and we will explore various examples, troubleshooting tips, and detailed code explanations. Let’s empower your development skills!

Table of Contents

Introduction to DriverKit IOWorkGroup

DriverKit IOWorkGroup is a component of Apple’s DriverKit that enables developers to manage concurrency within their device drivers by providing a mechanism to create and manage work loops and event sources. The IOWorkGroup ensures that driver extensions can safely access shared resources without causing race conditions or deadlocks.

Setting up DriverKit in XCode

Before diving into the usage of IOWorkGroups, ensure that you’ve set up your DriverKit environment in XCode:

  1. Open XCode and create a new Project.
  2. Select ‘DriverKit’ from the available templates.
  3. Configure your project settings, including the DriverKit OS Version and Base SDK.
  4. Once your DriverKit project is up, make sure you have access to the necessary import statements in your source code, namely #import <DriverKit/DriverKit.h> and #import <DriverKit/IOWorkLoop.h>.

Implementing IOWorkGroup

Creating an IOWorkGroup involves several steps:

    1. Initializing the IOWorkGroup: Start by defining a new IOWorkGroup object within your driver’s class.
class MyDriver : public IOService
    IOWorkGroup *myWorkGroup;
    // ...
    1. Creating the IOWorkGroup: In your driver’s start() method, instantiate the IOWorkGroup and assign this instance to your class variable.
bool MyDriver::start(IOService *provider)
    if (!super::start(provider)) {
        return false;
    myWorkGroup = IOWorkGroup::workGroupCreate("com.example.myDriverWorkGroup");
    if (!myWorkGroup) {
        return false;
    // ...
    return true;
    1. Dispatching Work: Use the IOWorkGroup to dispatch work that needs to be synchronized across your driver instance.
void MyDriver::someMethod()
    myWorkGroup->runAction([](void *arg) {
        // This code runs within the IOWorkGroup's context.
        // Perform your thread-safe operations here.
    }, nullptr);
  1. Publishing the Service: Don’t forget to publish your driver service to make it discoverable by the system.


Starts the driver service and initializes the workgroup, but does not provide visual output.

Example Code Snippets

Here are several scenarios that might be encountered while working with IOWorkGroup:

Scenario 1: Basic IOWorkGroup Initialization and Use

class ExampleDriver : public IOService
    IOWorkGroup *exampleWorkGroup;
    bool start(IOService *provider) override
        exampleWorkGroup = IOWorkGroup::workGroupCreate("com.example.myDriverWorkGroup");
        // Rest of the start method...
    void doSynchronizedWork() {
        exampleWorkGroup->runAction([](void *arg) {
            // Code to run synchronized
        }, nullptr);


No visual output, work is performed in the IOWorkGroup's context.

Scenario 2: Error Handling with IOWorkGroup

bool ExampleDriver::start(IOService *provider)
    if (!super::start(provider)) {
        return false;
    exampleWorkGroup = IOWorkGroup::workGroupCreate("com.example.workgroup");
    if (!exampleWorkGroup) {
        return false;
    return true;


Initializes IOWorkGroup or stops the driver's start() process if unsuccessful.

Troubleshooting Tips

  • If your driver doesn’t start, verify that you’ve correctly created the IOWorkGroup and that the start() method returns true upon success.
  • Ensure that you are using the IOWorkGroup within your driver’s context and not from another process or thread that wasn’t created by your driver.
  • Remember that DriverKit operates in userspace, so any kernel-based API or patterns from IOKit may not apply directly.

If Xcode is not able to find IOWorkGroup.iig or IOWorkGroup.h, here are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot the issue:

  1. Check the SDK Version: Make sure that you are using the correct version of the macOS SDK that supports IOWorkGroup. If IOWorkGroup was introduced in a later version of DriverKit than the one you are using, you will need to update your SDK.
  2. Verify Framework Inclusion: Ensure that the DriverKit framework is properly included in your project and that the framework search paths are set correctly in your Xcode project settings.
  3. Check File Paths: Ensure that the include statements are correct and that the paths to the headers are properly set. The IOWorkGroup.iig and IOWorkGroup.h should be part of the DriverKit framework, so you typically would not need to provide a path.
  4. Update Xcode: Make sure you are using the latest version of Xcode that supports the DriverKit version you are targeting.
  5. Look at the Documentation: Check the latest Apple documentation for any notes about IOWorkGroup being deprecated or moved to a different part of the framework, or if there are any special considerations for using it.
  6. Use #import: If you are using #include, try switching to #import to see if Xcode handles the module import differently.
  7. Check the Deployment Target: Ensure that your deployment target is set correctly for the DriverKit version that supports IOWorkGroup.
  8. Clean and Rebuild: Sometimes Xcode can cache old settings. Try cleaning the build folder (Shift + Command + K) and rebuilding the project.
  9. Check for Typos: Double-check that there are no typos in your #include or #import statements.
  10. Xcode Project Configuration: Make sure that the build settings in your Xcode project are configured correctly to find system headers.


Conclusive Summary

In conclusion, the DriverKit IOWorkGroup is a robust tool for managing concurrency in Driver extensions. With careful initialization, error handling, and synchronization of tasks, you can create stable and reliable drivers. Always remember to follow the best practices for DriverKit development, including proper code structure and paying close attention to concurrency issues that might arise. We hope this guide has been helpful in your DriverKit development journey.