Git LFS tutorial

Git Large File Storage (LFS) is an extension for Git that allows you to efficiently manage large files without bloating your Git repository. It replaces large files, such as audio, videos, datasets, and graphics, with text pointers inside Git, while storing the file contents on a remote server.

Git LFS tutorial

Table of Contents


To install Git LFS, follow these steps:

  1. Download the Git LFS software from its official website or use a package manager to install it.
    For Homebrew: brew install git-lfs
    For MacPorts: port install git-lfs


  2. Open your terminal or command prompt and run the installation command:
git lfs install

Once installed, you are ready to set up Git LFS for your repository.


Configure Git LFS by specifying the file types you want to track using the git lfs track command:

git lfs track "*.pdf"

After tracking the desired file types, ensure the .gitattributes file is committed:

git add .gitattributes

Committing Files

Committing files in Git LFS is similar to a standard Git workflow:

git add file.pdf
git commit -m "Add large file"

The tracked large files are now handled by Git LFS.

Pushing Files

Pushing to a remote repository is done with the standard Git push command:

git push origin main

Git LFS will take care of uploading the large files to the LFS storage.

Troubleshooting Tips

  • If you encounter "This repository is over its data quota", purchase more data packs or clean up unused large files.
  • In case of "Error downloading object" messages, check your network connection and LFS storage limits.
  • If Git LFS files are not properly syncing, re-run git lfs install to ensure hooks are properly set.


This git lfs tutorial covered the essential aspects of using Git LFS, from installation and configuration to committing and pushing large files. By following the step-by-step instructions, you can easily incorporate large file management into your Git workflow.
