HTMX Tutorial – Dynamic HTML without JavaScript

HTMX tutorial

Introduction to HTMX

HTMX is an innovative frontend development tool that allows you to access AJAX, CSS Transitions for animation, WebSockets, and Server Sent Events directly in HTML, using attributes. This HTMX tutorial will take you through the basics of HTMX, show you how to install it, and provide practical code examples to enhance your web applications with modern techniques while focusing on simplicity and ease of use.

Features of HTMX

HTMX offers a multitude of key features designed to simplify web development:

  • Easy AJAX implementation.
  • Intuitive syntax with a focus on HTML.
  • Seamless integration with existing server-side technologies.
  • Support for CSS Transitions and animations.
  • WebSockets and Server Sent Events for real-time UI updates.
  • Attributes-based configuration that consolidates behavior directly in your markup.

Installation Steps

Using NPM

Installing HTMX via NPM is straightforward. Run the following command in your project directory:

npm install

Once installed, you can import HTMX as needed in your JavaScript modules:

import ''

Using Webpack

When using Webpack, you can follow the NPM installation steps, and then require HTMX in your entry point:


Using CDN

If you prefer to use a CDN, simply add the following script tag to your HTML:

<script src=""></script>

Basic Examples

For a simple HTMX example, consider a button that, when clicked, uses AJAX to load content into a target <div>:

<button hx-get="/example" hx-target="#myDiv">Load Content</button>
<div id="myDiv"></div>


<div id="myDiv">Loaded Content!</div>


HTMX integrates with CSS for animations. You can specify transitions using HTMX attributes:

<div id="animatedDiv" hx-swap="outerHTML settle:10ms">
  <!-- Content to be replaced with an animation delay -->


An animated update of the div content.


For client-side validation, HTMX works well with standard HTML5 validation attributes. You can use the hx-trigger attribute to handle form submissions:

<form hx-post="/submit" hx-target="#formResult" hx-trigger="submit">
  <input type="text" required />
  <button type="submit">Submit</button>
<div id="formResult"></div>


Ajax response will be loaded here upon submission.


HTMX can be used to easily update the page when messages are received over a WebSocket:

<div hx-ws="connect:/websocket">
  <!-- Content updated via WebSocket messages -->


Content updated with live WebSocket data.

Server Sent Events (SSE)

Similarly, for SSE, you can integrate real-time server pushes:

<div hx-sse="connect:/eventsource">
  <!-- Updates from server -->


Server-sent events update the content in real-time.


HTMX’s primary function is to handle AJAX without writing JavaScript. An example for form submission using AJAX:

<form hx-post="/forms" hx-target="#response">
  <!-- Form fields -->
<div id="response"></div>


The server response displayed after form submission.


While HTMX is secure by design, you should always remember to validate and sanitize inputs server-side to prevent malicious activity.

  • Implement Content Security Policy (CSP) to enhance security.
  • Use built-in HTML attribute hx-vals for additional layer of protection.


HTMX supports AJAX caching out of the box using the hx-cache attribute:

<button hx-get="/data" hx-target="#cacheDiv" hx-cache="true">Load Cached Data</button>
<div id="cacheDiv"></div>


Cached data is loaded here upon button click.



In this comprehensive HTMX tutorial, we have covered the elegant approach of enhancing web applications by using HTMX’s modern yet straightforward capabilities. Through multiple examples, we have discussed AJAX, validation, WebSockets, SSE, animations, security, and caching. These powerful features allow developers to create dynamic, interactive user interfaces with minimal complexity. HTMX not only simplifies the codebase but also brings modern web technologies to the forefront in an accessible manner. Fast, flexible and secure, HTMX could be a game-changer for your next project.