Count number of lines in a git repository – Lines of code

To count the number of lines in a git repository is a common task that can help in these assessments. In this blog post, we will explore various methods to accurately perform this operation. Understanding the size and complexity of a codebase can be crucial for assessing project scope and managing technical debt.

Count number of lines in a git repository

Table of Contents


Using git ls-files and wc

One of the simplest ways to count lines of code in a repository is by combining the git ls-files command with wc (word count). Here’s how you do it:

    git ls-files | xargs wc -l

This command lists all the files tracked by git and pipes the list to wc -l which counts the number of lines each file has.

Using Git SLOC

Git SLOC (Source Lines of Code) is an easy-to-use script that counts lines of source code in your repository:

    git sloc

Note: Git SLOC is a third-party tool that you might need to install separately.

Using CLOC Tool

The CLOC (Count Lines Of Code) tool is a more comprehensive alternative for analyzing codebases:

    cloc .

CLOC is capable of differentiating between languages and will provide you a breakdown of line counts for each.

Using Tokei

Tokei is another robust tool that provides detailed analysis of code count statistics:

    tokei .

Tokei offers a plethora of options and outputs extensive metrics such as code, comments, and blank lines broken down by language.


Counting the number of lines in a git repository can be achieved via several methods, each with its unique set of features and capabilities. Whether you prefer a simple approach with basic Git commands or a detailed analysis with specialized tools like CLOC or Tokei, accurately gauging the size of your codebase is readily accessible.
