Move W3 Total Cache Javascript to footer


If you enable “Minify” option with “auto” mode in W3 Total Cache plugin, it minfies and combines the JavaScript,  CSS files and  adds the combined javascript file in “<head>” tag.
To improve the wordPress page load time, you need to move the minifed Javascript to footer (after “</head” tag).This can be achieved by adding below tag just before “</body>” in your template.

<!-- W3TC-include-js-head -->

Note: You need to  empy all caches after adding this tag to footer.

For example:

<div id="footer" class="clearfix">
		<div class="wrap">

		</div><!-- .wrap -->
	</div><!-- #footer -->		
</div><!-- #container -->
<!-- W3TC-include-js-head -->

Note: Combined javascript file is added at tag “<!– W3TC-include-js-head –>”

Reference :